Bully movie

There is new movie coming out which addresses the issue of bullying in our schools. We have all had the experience of witnessing others being bullied, being bullied ourselves, or we ourselves as children acting out bullying behavior towards others. Whatever the case may be, I believe that since the 1960’s when I was a youngster, things have gotten much worse.

I haven’t got the answer as to why. I suppose there are a lot of reasons why. But I do know that it needs to stop. Will it ever stop completely? I doubt it. However, I have no doubt that if people pull together as seen in this movie trailer, there will be a hugely significant change in the numbers of those children being bullied, and I believe that number will lesson!!

Take a moment to watch the trailer…have your children watch the trailer….go to the theater to see the movie with your kids when it comes out. Then join in making that huge difference.

Watch The Bully Project movie trailer on YouTube